Water Heaters

How to reduce consumption of water heaters

Heaters are the most used appliances during winter, and selection of capacity suitable for your needs assists in reduction of your consumption #To Sustain

Tips Before Buying

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Select WH capacity suitable to your needs

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Choosing the high-efficiency heater

”Taakad“ App

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Energy Efficiency Card

Learn about the Energy Efficiency Card

Tips After Buying

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Set the thermostat on 60°Co

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Disconnect electricity source if the heater doesn’t used for long time

Frequently Asked Questions

What is better to save energy, the regular water heater or the instant water heater?

The instant water heater is more efficient than the regular one.

What is the difference between instant and regular water heaters in terms of electricity consumption?

The instant water heater consumes electricity only when operating, while the regular one reheats every now and then even when not in use to maintain a constant water temperature, so the instant heater water is more economical.

What is the difference between central and instant water heaters?

We recommend the instant heater because it consumes energy only at the time of use. When comparing between the instant and the central ones, the appropriate capacities for use, the amount of consumption, and the number of instant water heaters equivalent to the central heater must be taken into account, in addition to comparing product prices, installation and maintenance costs.

Does turning on the heater before use and turning it off when finished reduce consumption?

We recommend turning off the heater when it is not needed for long periods of time

What is the appropriate temperature for heaters?

Each heater has temperatures, and we recommend setting the temperature at 60 because it is the appropriate temperature for use, and the higher the temperature, the greater the consumption.