Washing Machines

How to reduce consumption of Washing machine (WM’s)

Selection of WM’s suitable for your family’s needs volume contributes in the reduction of consumption, there are three types of WM’s: Top load, front load and twin tub

Tips Before Buying

Frame 50-1
Frame 49-1

Select WM having highest efficiency level in Energy Efficiency Label

Frame 50
Frame 49

Choose the washing machine of the appropriate size for the family's needs, to avoid consuming more energy than is needed

”Taakad“ App

Use Taakad application to verify the information and validity of the card, and compare products to identify the most efficient product.

Energy Efficiency Card

Learn about the Energy Efficiency Card

Tips After Buying

Frame 56
Frame 55

Take advantage of the sun to dry clothes directly

Frame 56-2
Frame 55-2

Do regular maintenance

Frame 56-1
Frame 55-1

Avoid using the dryer at peak times

Frame 56-3
Frame 55-3

Choosing a quick wash for lightly soiled clothes helps to save energy

Frame 56-4
Frame 55-4

Run the WM at full load

Compare between devices

Choose the comparison








14 kg

14 kg

Operating hours

4.2 hours

4.2 hours

Consumption cost annually

52 SAR

98 SAR

Savings rate up to


Frequently Asked Questions

Is it a violation not to have an energy efficiency label on the devices?

Yes, it is a violation. We recommend submitting a report via Verify-Sy, applying a Commercial Report, or contacting the Ministry of Commerce and Investment on 1900.

What is the mechanism for monitoring standard implementation, and the mechanism for monitoring customs and markets? What are the roles of the parties involved in the implementation mechanism?

The Saudi Energy Efficiency Program, represented by the relevant regulatory authorities: (Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Industry and Mineral Resources, Saudi Standards, Saudi Customs) monitors products that fall under the scope of energy efficiency to ensure that there are energy efficiency labels, and conformity of products to standard specifications and energy efficiency regulations through three main stages: 

- Production lines: including visiting factories and taking samples for testing.

- Customs ports: verifying the validity of certificates, and taking random samples for testing.

- Markets: Visit sales outlets and warehouses to verify energy efficiency label data.

What factors affect washing machines energy consumption? And why?

Their size and the technology used, which has a great effect on the efficiency of the device. One of the main objectives of the energy efficiency specifications is to set minimum limits for devices, as in air conditioners, washing machines, refrigerators, and lighting; This contributes to manufacturers adopting the latest and most energy-efficient technologies.

Are there plans to set specifications for other electrical appliances?

The program has a list of some household appliances, feasibility studies are being conducted for them, and if they are proven to be economically feasible, they will be included in the program's work plan.